I Have A Terrible Confession To Make

Addicted to Fuzz

Hello my name is Andrew, and I am a fuzz addict. As guitar players we pretty much universally have too many gain pedals, overdrives in particular are the common sauce among those of us who are of the electric persuasion. I myself have many overdrives, mostly of the dual variety, almost all of which are top tier and quite expensive. They all sound wonderful and do their own thing, giving a little bit more, focusing the mids or completely changing the character of the guitar.

Then there is fuzz. In general you don’t use words like nice, subtle or little when describing fuzz. Except may when you say “it sounds a little like a jar full of wasps” or describing what the fuzz pedal is not. They’re noisy, nasty, loud, aggressive and absolutely fucking awesome!

Currently I have eleven overdrive pedals, but of those pedals 3 actually have a fuzz built in or do the fuzz thing. The Preamp Mk II has a fuzz circuit built in, the Brothers has 2 fuzz circuits built in, and the Hudson Broadcast when cranked is more fuzz than overdrive. If you include those 3 pedals in my fuzz count then I have 10 fuzzes, and each one does something different or unique despite being able to sound very similar in other situations.

Over the next month or two I will be putting out videos going over these fuzzes a few at time. Fuzz isn’t for everyone, but I think just about anyone could find a fuzz that works for them. The first video is out now, and takes a look at 3 DanDrive pedals.